Healthy Diet Chart for Healthy Life: Healthy Diet Plan in English

Healthy diet chart:- Today there would hardly be any person whose eating habits are absolutely healthy. Most people like to eat outside home. Many people also consume a lot of fast food etc. The result is that people start falling ill. In such a situation, whenever a patient contacts a doctor, the doctor first advises the patient to change his diet plan. Therefore today a balanced diet chart (normal diet plan) has become a need of the people.

Healthy diet chart not only benefits the patient, but all the people get benefit from it. By following the daily diet table, you can make yourself as well as your family healthy. Therefore, it is very important for you to know what a healthy diet chart is. Let us know what a balanced diet is, and what should be your daily diet table to stay healthy.

What is a balanced diet (healthy eating)? (What is Normal Diet or Healthy Diet?)

Any substance which is made up of sugar (carbohydrate), fat, water and protein, and which can be consumed by the organism to live, is called food. Food contains many nutrients, which are essential for the development and growth of the body. Various nutritious elements are available from food, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water etc. Nutritious elements maintain the nutritional level in your body so that you remain healthy. Therefore, it is important to consume a balanced diet not only to survive but also to lead a healthy and active life.

A balanced diet is the basic foundation for good health and mental development. After air and water, food is essential for the body. When food is consumed, the digestive juice acts on it, and the essential nutrients from the food are absorbed by the body. This only improves your health. The health condition of a human being depends on the kind of food he consumes. Therefore, it is important for every person to follow a balanced diet chart.

Benefits of Healthy Eating

Food mainly provides these benefits to your body:-

  • The body gets energy.
  • Body fibers are formed.
  • Prevents diseases.
  • Physical activities continue smoothly.

Importance of balanced diet for Men (Normal Diet Chart or Healthy Diet Chart for Male)

Men should consume these food items in a balanced diet:-

  • Eat carbs and protein rich food.
  • Make a habit of eating food about an hour before sleeping.
  • Along with this, one should develop the habit of exercising and walking in the morning.
  • After waking up in the morning, you can have a glass of milk without cream. Eat 3-4 almonds with this.
  • Energy levels remain maintained by taking small amounts of snacks in the evening like juice, fruits, green tea, nuts etc.
  • You can have sprouted grains, seasonal fruits or upma for breakfast. Carbohydrate rich food should be consumed in breakfast.
  • You can have dal, roti, vegetables, rice and salad in lunch. Along with this, one cup of curd or buttermilk should also be taken.
  • One should eat less and light food at night. Do not take rice in dinner. Can take only bread, vegetables and salad.

What is the Balanced Diet Chart for Women (Normal Diet Chart or Healthy Diet Chart for Felame)

  • Nutritional requirements for women are different from those of men. Women require more iron than men due to menstruation.  Therefore, women should consume these food items in a balanced diet:-
  • Women should take protein rich diet in breakfast.
  • Consume sprouted grains like bread or porridge.
  • Consume seasonal fruits. Milk and nuts can also be taken for breakfast.
  • Make the day’s meals consist of carbs, proteins and fats.
  • Eat 2 rotis, a bowl of rice, pulses, vegetables, salad and curd in your diet.
  • You can take green tea, juice, fruits or nuts in the evening.
  • Dinner should be lighter than during the day. 2 Rotis, vegetables, salad and bowl of pulses should be taken.
  • Drink a glass of milk before sleeping at night.

A Complete Guide To Healthy Eating: (Normal Diet Chart or Balanced Diet Chart Details)

The food requirements of every person are different according to his physical structure and the hard work he does. For the brain to function smoothly and the body to not get tired, every person requires approximately 1200 to 1800 calories. These calories are better transmitted to the body in the form of energy, which does not get stored in the body as fat. Therefore, the quantity of food items in the diet chart should be as follows in terms of calories:-

  • Keep the three main meals of the day like breakfast, lunch and dinner to 300 to 350 calories.
  • Keep the remaining 300 calories for snacks and other things.
  • Drink green tea.
  • Do not eat flour and rice at all. Whatever food you eat, it should be made of wheat or brown rice.
  • Drink water as soon as you wake up in the morning. Drink about 2 glasses of lukewarm water.
  • Eat oats for breakfast, but avoid oats containing preservatives. Prepare plain oats by adding onion, garlic, cinnamon, nigella seeds, broccoli and salt etc. Eat cornflakes and skimmed milk occasionally.
  • Between meals and snacks during the day, consume 5-10 almonds, coffee or green tea, ginger, basil, cinnamon and tea made from ginger and cardamom. Do not add sugar to it.
  • Eat a bowl of brown rice, salad, dal and two rotis in your daily meal. Along with this also take a bowl of salad.
  • In the evening, take any vegetable soup or green tea.
  • For dinner, eat a bowl of veg soup, a bowl of salad, a big bowl of papaya or a bowlful of boiled vegetables, also add garlic and onion to it.

Your Lifestyle in Healthy Diet Chart:  importance of healthy diet

While adopting a healthy diet chart, your lifestyle should be like this:-

  • Practice meditation and yoga daily
  • Be sure to eat fresh and light hot food
  • Eat your meal slowly, in a quiet place, peacefully, positively and with a happy mind.
  • Be sure to eat three to four times a day
  • Do not skip meals at any time and avoid overeating
  • fast once a week
  • Leave 1/3rd / 1/4th part of the stomach empty, meaning eat a little less than your hunger.
  • Chew food thoroughly and eat slowly
  • Walk for 3-5 minutes after eating food
  • Wake up before or with sunrise, meaning wake up at [5:30 – 6:30 am].
  • brush teeth twice daily
  • Do tongue cleaning daily
  • Sleep at the right time at night, i.e. [9-10 PM].

Yoga Pranayam and Meditation for you: – Bhastrika, Kapalbhanti, Bahyapranayam, Anulom Vilom, Bhramari, Udgeeth, Ujjayi, Pranav Japa.

Asnasan:- Subtle exercises, Suryanamaskar, Uttanapadasana, Bhujangasana, Markatasana, Shashankasana, Shavasana, Paschimottanasana.

Simple Ways to Stick to a Healthy Diet: (Avoidance while adopting balance diet plan)

Avoid these during balance diet plan

Cereals– new rice, flour.

Pulses– Kulath, Urad, Rajma, Chickpea.

Fruits and vegetables– Brinjal, potato, lemon, mustard, tomato, lemon, sour grapes, potato, jackfruit, taro.

Others– Curd, fish, cheese, spicy food, mustard oil, oily spicy food, excess salt, cold drinks, fast food, junk food, canned foods.

Your lifestyle – Stopping Aadharani Veg (not stopping stool and urine), not staying awake at night (night awakening), atap intake (intake of sunlight), not fasting.

These things are absolutely prohibited – oily spicy food, pickles, excess oil, excess salt, cold drinks, flour based dishes, alcohol, fast food, soft drinks, junk food, canned foods, non-vegetarian, non-vegetarian soups.

Yoga Pranayama and meditation for you – as per instructions

Asanas for you – as per instructions

Advice– If the patient has habit of tea then he can take 1 cup of Patanjali Divya drink instead.


Questions and answers related to balanced diet (FAQ Related Healthy Diet)

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet, is one which provides all the essential nutrients to your body. Nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals are found in those nutrients. For balanced nutrition, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins should be included in your daily diet. If the diet does not contain all these nutrients, the body not only becomes weak but also becomes home to diseases.

Does eating a balanced diet also lead to weight gain?

By taking a balanced diet, a person’s weight does not increase, and the body remains healthy and active. A balanced diet keeps a person’s physical and mental health good. A person has to face problems like forgetfulness with age. Along with a balanced diet, changes should also be made in your daily routine. This increases the ability to fight diseases.

Why does the body need a balanced diet?

Our body is in constant need of energy. This energy is very essential for the internal functions of the body. It is very important to eat healthy food for life to continue smoothly and for breathing, blood flow, heart beats etc. to function properly. These processes are always going on in the body, and they require a lot of energy. Apart from internal functions, the body also requires energy to perform external functions like walking, running, playing or any other physical work.

Apart from these internal and external processes, some part of the body’s energy is also required for digesting food, absorbing it and transporting it to the fibers and for their metabolism. The heat generated during this process controls the body temperature. The body gets this energy from carbohydrates and fats present in food.

New fibers are constantly being formed in the body, and old fibers are being broken down. Nutrients required for fiber formation are required in large quantities. The food you eat repairs the fibers that break down every day in the body. Therefore, there is a need for essential nutrients for physical development at any stage of life.

During a balanced diet plan, which should be given priority in vegetarian or non-vegetarian diet?

The features of vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet are given here:-

In Ayurveda, food is divided into three categories. These categories reflect three gunas – sattvic, rajasic and tamasic. Their detailed information is given here:-

Tamasic food: like meat, fish, eggs, intoxicants, stored food and stale food makes one lazy and lethargic.

Rajasic food: is spicy and spicy. This makes the person restless and aggressive.

Satvik food: is completely vegetarian. This food is obtained from milk, vegetables etc. This includes complete food items like grains, vegetables, pulses, fruits, nuts, seeds, milk and milk products.

For your information, main points related to Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik:-

  • Food is not only a source of energy for various internal and external functions of the body, but is also an excellent means of keeping the body healthy and strong. Due to this the human brain also works in a healthy manner.
  • Satvik and vegetarian food is always considered good. It is considered favorable for humans, because it is a follower of human sensitivities, whereas vengeful and non-vegetarian food gives birth to violent and inhuman thoughts. Therefore, vegetarian food has been given priority in the Indian lifestyle.
  • Sages and sages have also considered vegetarianism to be the best for a healthy mind and body. Developed countries of the world have also started adopting vegetarianism as per Indian thinking. On research, it has been found that non-vegetarian food not only causes cancer and other incurable diseases but also shortens the life span.
  • The physical structure of all the creatures living on earth and the formation and development of their organs is determined on the basis of the nature and method of their food. Human body and organs have evolved mostly as vegetarian creatures. The nature of main human organs like teeth, tongue, intestine, liver, kidney, digestive system and other senses completely matches that of herbivorous animals. Therefore, nature has provided all the healthy nutrients in the form of vegetarian food, which includes major grains, fruits, vegetables, dry fruits, etc., which you eat daily.
  • Vegetarian food keeps the body and mind calm and balanced. Vegetarian food keeps your body toxic, clean and pure. Increases immunity. Therefore, vegetarian food is best for a person.


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